magic moment

Kindness is the new "Kool"

The Bus this morning was full of passengers. Most of the seats were taken.


A lovely lady saw we were looking for a front seat. She kindly gave up her place so we could sit down. My heart lit up with such gratitude. Her thoughtfulness set a beautiful tone for the rest of our day.


Its the simple everyday kind gestures that can uplift a strangers day. Courtesy does not cost a thing but has the power to light up someone elses heart and your own too! Be kind to be cool! Much love

Story of the Fragrant Rose

For the last few days I had been shopping around for a beautiful pink rose hair accessory for a special occasion. using my inner vision, I had an image of what I wanted in all its beautiful detail.


On this particular day I experienced a quality magic moment! A beautiful series of events followed that could only be explained in one word…So let me share what happened.


Laura and I arrive at the gym for our sweat sess. A lovely fragrance of rose catches my attention. Turns out it’s a yankee candle. Nothing odd right? On the bus ride home, we’re sat talking to a sweet lady. As we get up to leave I felt inspired to ask her name. “rose” she replied. Oh could this be coincidence? Later I am browsing through insta. I notice someone left a comment with the surname Rose. Now I’m thinking whoa!


A strong realisation hit. Where your focus goes, energy flows. Positive or negative. You have the power to choose. So choose wisely!


And the one word I feel best sums this series of coincidences up…serendipity. Something we can all experience more of with awareness, gratitude and being in the moment, much love