2016 Workouts

Working out my lats

Bulgarian split squats

Bulgarian split squats (different angle)

Hamstring curl with gym ball

Side plank with raised arm & hand weight

Side plank with raised arm & hand weight

Seated row (side view)

Seated row (side view)

Boxing (forward facing)

Boxing (forward facing)

Inclined bench press

Inclined bench press

Hip thrust with gym ball

TRX Deep Squat

TRX Deep Squat

Tricep pull down

Tricep pull down

Cable chest flies

Cable chest flies

Standing barbell bicep curl

Standing barbell bicep curl

Side plank with raised arm & leg

Seated row - can really see back definition here

Seated row - can really see back definition here

Bicep curl

Bicep curl

Cable chest flies (opposite view)

Cable chest flies (opposite view)